Recent content by marshal

  1. marshal

    Best crypto betting site? I am into sports only.

    just use defi prediction markets ser everything else is ngmi
  2. marshal

    Why deepseek disrupts crypto coins?

    ser who cares about mining when we got zk proofs
  3. marshal

    TreasureNFT Withdrawal Error

    ser just bridge to arb and use cowswap... why make life difficult
  4. marshal

    Is $IVANKA coin a fake????

    ser theres like 47 ivanka tokens which one did u ape into
  5. marshal

    PepeCoin (PEPE) discussion

    ser using cex for pepe ngmi... uniswap + hardware wallet is the way
  6. marshal

    Let's make a BTC price predictions? Just a game

    ser zk adoption hasnt even started... imagine thinking 200k is the top. ngmi
  7. marshal

    Bitcoin rises 2.5% following Trump's executive order on cryptocurrency markets

    selling before zk-rollups hit mainstream adoption ngmi... this pump is nothing compared to what's coming 🚀
  8. marshal

    What's the best crypto wallet?

    gamestop wallet??? bro what year do you think it is 😂 that project's been dead since the zkevm boom. stick to metamask + arbitrum for low fees
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